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شېر شاه سوري

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د ويکيپېډيا، وړیا پوهنغونډ له خوا
(له شېرشاه سوري نه مخ گرځېدلی)
کينډۍ:اسم الصفحة
شېر شاه سوري
شېر شاه سوري

د شخص معلومات
پيدايښت ۱۴۸۶ او ۱۴۷۲
مړینه ٢٢ مې ١۵۴۵ (عمر ۵۸–۵۹)
د مړینې لامل چاودنه   ويکيډاټا کې (P509) ځانګړنې بدلې کړئ
تابعیت هند [۱]

د سوریانو ټولواکمني   ويکيډاټا کې (P27) ځانګړنې بدلې کړئ

مذهب اسلام
اولاد اسلام شاه سوري   ويکيډاټا کې (P40) ځانګړنې بدلې کړئ
کورنۍ سوري   ويکيډاټا کې (P53) ځانګړنې بدلې کړئ
آخري معلومات
کار/مسلک پاچا [۲]  ويکيډاټا کې (P106) ځانګړنې بدلې کړئ
شېرشاه سوري
د افغان لوی واکمن شېرشاه سوري انځورچې په هند کې کال ۱۷۸۰ زېږدي کښل شوی

Shershah-02.jpg شیر شاہ سوری (1486 - May 22, 1545) - Šīr Šāh Sūrī), چې د شېر خان (The Lion King), په نوم هم ياد شوی يو ځواکمن افغان (پښتون)[۳][۴][۵][۶][۷][۸][۹] لوی واکمن ؤ چې د هند په لويې وچې يې خپله واکمني چلوله. لومړی هغه د مغولو په لښکر کې يو سرتېری ؤ چې بيا سرلښکر او بيا د هند په بيهار ولايت کې والي شو. په ۱۵۳۷ ز. کال کې چې کله مغول پاچا همايون په سفر وتلی و، نو شېرشاه سوري بنگال د خپل ولکې لاندې کړ او په همدې توگه يې د نوې سوري امپراتورۍ بنسټ کېښوده.[۱۰] شېر شاه سورې په شپاړسمې ميلادي پېړۍ کې د هند باچا و او دا انځور دوه سوه کاله وروستو جوړ شو.


شېر شاه سورې په شپاړسمې زېږدي پېړۍ کې د هند باچا و .

سياسي ژوند

شېر شاه سوري

واک ته رسېدنه

Sher Shah's empire


Expansion and victories

The mausoleum of Sher Shah Suri in Sasaram, Bihar

حکومت او مديريت

د سپینو زرو سکې جوړول

روپۍ دودول


اهمې نېټې

  • 1486, Sher Khan born
  • 1522, Sher Khan took the service of Bahar Khan
  • 1527 - 1528, Sher Khan served the Babur camp
  • 1534, Sher Khan defeated the Bengal king on the Kiul river
  • October 1537, Sher Khan invaded Bengal and besieged the city of Gaur
  • 1539, Sher Khan defeated Humayun at Chausa
  • 1540, Sher Khan defeated Humayun at Kannauj
  • May 1545, Death of Sher Khan


  1. http://www.safiahaleem.com/?p=2704
  1. idRef پېژند: https://www.idref.fr/135903955 — خپرېدونېټه: ۴ مارچ ۲۰۲۰ — سرليک: Script error: The function "Lang" does not exist. — خپروونکی: Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur
  2. پیوستون : 120196786  — خپرېدونېټه: ۲ اپرېل ۲۰۱۵ — منښتلیک: Creative Commons CC0 License
  3. Encyclopedia Britannica, Sher Shah of Sur
  4. Radhey Shyam Chaurasia (2002). Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (ed.). History of Medieval India: From 1000 A. D. to 1707 A. D. ISBN 8126901233.
  5. Sayyid Fayyaz Mahmud (1963). Oxford University Press (ed.). The Story of Indo-Pakistan.
  6. The Empire of the Great Mughals: History, Art and Culture Annemarie Schimmel, Corinne Attwood, Burzine K. Waghmar, Trans by Corinne Attwood, Reaktion Books, 2004, p28 - "...the Pashtun leader Sher Khan Suri"
  7. Pakistan & the Karakoram Highway Sarina Singh, Owen Bennett-Jones, Lonely Planet 2004, p199 - "Soon after Babur died, the Pashtun Sher Shah Suri seized the Mughal throne..."
  8. A Historical Atlas of Pakistan Robert Greenberger, The Rosen Publishing Group 2003, p28 - "Humayun, lost the throne to Sher Shah Suri, a Pashtun ruler of India..."
  9. Encyclopedia of Modern Asia: a berkshire reference work David Levinson, Karen Christensen, Published by Charles Scribner's Sons 2002, p94 - "Sher Shah Suri (reigned 1539-1545), an Indian-born Pashtun whose rule marked an interregnum in the Mughal control of India"
  10. Columbia Encyclopedia - Sher Khan


  • Dr. Hussain Khan, Sher Shah Suri-1539-1545 published by Ferozsons, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • The Mertiyo Rathors of Merto, Rajasthan (2 vols.)
Select Translations Bearing on the History of a Rajput Family, 1462-1660 Translator Saran, Richard D. Annotations by Saran, Richard D. Hardcover Edition: Series#:51; Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia (Hardcover) 772 pages Publisher: University of Michigan Press ISBN / EAN: 0891480854
"Later, ancient Bactria, in northern Afghanistan, was joined to India by a 4,200-kilometer road built by Indian’s Maurya dynasty, and was linked to Central Asia and the Middle East by the imperial highways of the Persians."
  • Clive Ponting: World History, A New Perspective, Published by Pimlico 2001, ISBN 0-7126-6572-2, Printed and Bound in Great Britain by Mackays of Chatham PLC.
"When Chang Ch'ien arrived in Ferghana he was surprised to find that a vast array of Chinese goods were on sale, especially silk which was only manufactured in China. These goods had travelled by the route opened in 4th century BCE from China via Schezwan and Yunnan to Burma and eastern India. From there they had been traded along the India Grand Road (built under the Mauryan Empire) up the Ganges valley to the grand trading city of Taxila and then into central Asia." [Page 250]
"Humayun escaped and went to Lahore while Sher Khan went back to Gaur to destroy the remnant of the Mughal army and imprison a rebelling governor. Sher Khan became Sher Shah and organized his empire while Humayun, unable to get help from his brothers, fled all the way to the Safavid court in Iran. After subjugating Malwa in 1542, Sher Shah invaded central India. While capturing a fort in Kalinjar, Sher Shah was killed by a gunpowder explosion in 1545."
Rupiya released by Sher Shah Suri, 1540-1545 CE, was the first Rupee
Rupee, round area type
Copper Dam issued from Narnul mint

نورې لوستنې

باندنۍ تړنې


واک اخيستنه له
Shah of Delhi
واک سپارنه و
Islam Shah Suri